A Pregnancy Nutrition Guide: Staying Healthy for Your Baby’s Sake

A Pregnancy Nutrition Guide: Staying Healthy for Your Baby’s Sake

Everybody needs good nutrition but the need for healthy food by pregnant women is more critical. This is because food nourishes both the mother and unborn child. If you are expecting and want to stay healthy for the duration of your pregnancy, you will need to be mindful of what you eat and the sufficiency of the nutrients you are taking in. On the other hand, if you are yet on the planning stage of having a baby, this will be the perfect time to learn about pregnancy nutrition. Eating healthy even before you try conceiving is the best way to prepare your body for pregnancy. It is best for you to work together with your partner in aiming for a healthy pregnancy for your sake and that of your baby. This will ensure that your child will receive the appropriate nourishment for proper growth and development.
Things to Consider in Pregnancy Nutrition

Do give due consideration to  the following guidelines if you wish to stay healthy during pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby:

1. Your weight is an important factor in pregnancy. If you are underweight, you might have difficulty conceiving. If you are overweight, there are bigger chances of you facing pregnancy complications, particularly during childbirth.

To know your ideal weight, you will need to calculate using the body mass index (BMI). According to experts, a woman with BMI between 18.5 and 25 is considered healthy and is likely to have lower rates of pregnancy-related risks. Therefore, work on gaining pounds if you are underweight, and get into a weight loss program if you are obese.

The father-to-be should also maintain a healthy weight. He needs nutrients like zinc and selenium that will help improve the quality of his sperm. Also, a man who wants to sire a healthy child is advised to avoid imbibing alcohol and to follow a healthy lifestyle.

2. You should not compromise your diet before getting pregnant and while you are pregnant. Eat balanced, healthy meals that include carbohydrates. This means having cereals, bread, rice, and pasta. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. You will also need dairy products like milk (choose low fat), yogurt and pasteurized cheese. Food with high sugar content and alcohol are forbidden under the pregnancy nutrition guide.

However, do not think because you are pregnant, you must eat a lot more since you will also be eating for your baby. Know that your digestive system becomes more efficient in pregnancy while your body increases its absorption of the nutrients, which it will later pass on to the baby growing inside you.

3. Your pre-pregnancy weight will be a big factor in the weight you gain throughout the term. Actually, the weight of your baby plus the amniotic fluid constitute only a small percentage of your total weight. The difference is made up of fat that you store for use when you breastfeed.

The foregoing guidelines are meant to provide general information on nutrition for pregnant women and those planning to be pregnant. It is to your best interest to note the suggestions given as they can help you have a healthy pregnancy. Pregnancy is said to be a most joyous stage in any woman’s life but it is also one of the most crucial. Anything you do, or eat, during the period is likely to affect both your baby and you.